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6 Peanut Butter Health Benefits & How You Can Sneak More PB Into Your Diet

When you think of peanut butter, you might consider it just a last-minute lunch for a quick sandwich, but it has much greater potential. Peanut butter is a uniquely energy dense spread that contains lots of protein and healthy fats, and is used in many different eating plans to meet a variety of goals.  

From vegans, to bodybuilders, to those trying to lose weight — peanut butter can be a delicious way to help meet your nutritional goals.
peanut butter


Peanut butter benefits 

1. Peanut butter is a good source of plant-based protein 

A serving of peanut butter contains about 8g of protein, making it a great way to incorporate cholesterol-free protein into your diet. Protein is not only good for muscle growth and repair, but helps to slow down digestion and make you feel more satisfied, longer.


2. Peanut butter is a good source of healthy fats

Like protein foods, foods with fats make you feel full and can limit overeating. The fats in peanut butter are primarily unsaturated (both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated), which means they are good for your heart health and good cholesterol.  


3. It contains many vitamins and minerals

Peanuts (and peanut butter) contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, but a few to note are potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin B6.  

  • Potassium is key to keeping many of our systems healthy, including our heart, kidneys, and muscles.1 
  • Phosphorus is a component of our bones and teeth and is required to make the energy our cells need.2 
  • Magnesium is an important part of the process of building muscle, as well as our nervous system.3 
  • Zinc is crucial to keeping our bodies healthy by supporting our immune system and helping wounds heal.4 
  • Vitamin B6 is crucial to brain development and metabolism.5


4. Peanut butter is a great source of energy

Being both high in fat and protein, peanut butter packs a lot of nutrition and calories into a small serving size. Its great for endurance activities, like hiking, when you need to take in calories to keep your body properly fuelled without eating a large, heavy meal.


5. It's easy to take peanut butter on the go

Unlike many sources of protein, peanut butter can be stored at room temperature and has a long shelf life, making it easy to take to the gym, leave at work, or have on hand for a quick boost of energy any time of day.


6. Peanut butter works for any meal or snack

Peanut butter can be incorporated into breakfast, lunch or dinner. Not only does it pair well with bread, pretzels, and crackers, but its good mixed with yogurt or apple sauce, on fruit or vegetables, in smoothies, and even on noodles or meat for dinner.  


How these benefits can help you 

1. You will get an energy boost

When our bodies don’t have carbs available for energy (after a long period without a meal), they can burn fat for fuel. If you don’t have time for a pre-workout meal, some peanut butter is a simple and quick energy boost to help you power through.


2. You should feel fuller

The high fat and protein content in peanut butter is very satiating  it slows down the digestion process and makes us feel fuller, for longer. Adding peanut butter alongside a source of carbohydrate  like crackers, or apple slices  provides a full balance of protein, carbs, and fat for a much more satisfying snack than the fruit or crackers alone.


3. You can take control of your weight 

Peanut butter can be a satisfying part of your meal plan if you’re trying to cut calories (as long as you limit the portion), or a delicious way to increase your energy intake when trying to bulk up. With its full nutrient profile containing healthy fats and proteins, it can be used in any meal plan. 


Our peanut butter recipes to boost your diet 

Peanut Butter and Jelly French Toast 

Peanut Butter Chicken Curry


Peanut Butter Sesame Chicken 


Easy Peanut Butter Flapjacks 



Peanut Butter Stuffed Protein Cookies 

Peanut Butter Banana Brownies

Peanut Butter Jelly Cookies 


What is in Peanut Butter? 

The USDA has the following nutrition information for 100g of smooth, creamy peanut butter with salt added. Nutrition facts can vary based on whether the product has added sugar, salt, or oils, so its important to check the labels before purchasing, because the numbers can be different.  

Some brands offer peanut butter with no added ingredients other than roasted peanuts, but most include some type of oil for spreading - which you will see in the ingredients list. 

Nutrition Facts

  • Calories: 588 
  • Fat: 50g 
  • Saturated Fat: 10g 
  • Sodium: 460mg 
  • Carbohydrates: 20g 
  • Fibre: 6g 
  • Sugar: 9g 
  • Protein: 87g 

Peanut butter nutrition: how do our supplements stack up? 

Most supermarket brands of peanut butter add sugar, salt, or oils to their products to make them last longer on the shelf and taste sweeter. However, Myprotein peanut butters are the real deal  none of those extras added. 

All-Natural Peanut Butter 

Myprotein All-Natural Peanut Butter is a great low carb option with no added salt, sugar, or oils  it contains ONLY peanuts, giving you 100% of the pure power of peanut butter. 

Per 100g: 

  • Calories: 579
  • Fat: 46g
  • Sodium: 0mg
  • Carbs: 12g
  • Fibre: 8.5g
  • Sugars: 6g
  • Protein: 30g 

Take home message 

Peanuts, and peanut butter, are one of the most nutrient-dense plant-based foods you can include in your diet. With our recipe ideas and variety of peanut butter options, you might just find a new favourite meal. Whether you want to add protein for muscle building, healthy fats for your heart, or a boost of calories for energy, peanut butter is a versatile way to meet your goals. 

Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.
Myprotein Writer and expert
2004 um einen Küchentisch herum gegründet, bestand die Vision von Myprotein stets darin die Art und Weise zu revolutionieren, wie wir unsere Bewegung anfeuern. 2011 wurde Myprotein Teil der THG-Familie, so dass wir bis 2016 den Titel der weltweit führenden Online-Marke für Sporternährung beanspruchen konnten. In den letzten 20 Jahren haben wir wegweisende Supplemente, wie z.B. das Clear Whey oder das Dry Scoop Pre-Workout entwickelt, sowie neue Marken an den Start gebracht, die um deine Bedürfnisse herum aufgebaut sind – darunter MP, Myvitamins, Myvegan und MyPRO. Wir existieren, um Grenzen zu sprengen und dienen dir als Wegweiser in der Fitness-Industrie, damit du mit Informationen versorgt wirst, denen du vertrauen kannst. Unser Blog bietet dir Artikel von vertrauenswürdigen Personal-Trainern, Ernährungsberatern und Diät-Assistenten, die innerhalb der Branche bereits reichlich Erfahrung gesammelt haben. Und selbstverständlich haben wir auch ein offenes Ohr für all die Themen, die dich interessieren, so dass wir deine Fragen mit Hilfe unseres Pools an Experten vertrauenswürdig beantworten können.

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