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Bodybuilder Breakfasts | Oats 3 Ways

It’s too easy to get into a rut with breakfast. You think you know what works, what doesn’t, what fills you up until lunch time and what takes the least amount of time to make in the morning. But the same old things grow old, and you lose appetite for healthy routine out of boredom.

And this is where Ryan Terry comes to the rescue. While he doesn’t stray too far from what works for him, Ryan embraces variety from versatile ingredients. In the video below he shares three ideal bodybuilder breakfasts, but they all share the same ingredients.


Option one: Baked oats

Baked oats – AKA the perfect work from home breakfast. It’s so good it would be criminal not to incorporate it into your day at least once a week. Quickly rustle up the batter while the kettle is boiling and allow the sweet scents to fill your kitchen as you log on to your work laptop. 30 minutes later you’ll be full, satisfied and ready to tackle the day.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Blend all the ingredients apart from the almond butter and the berries together.
  3. Pour half the mixture into an oven proof dish.
  4. Put the almond butter on top of the mixture.
  5. Pour the rest of the mixture into the dish.
  6. Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until brown on top.


Option two: Conventional cooked oats

Ryan’s holy grail – the traditional cooked oats. In my opinion this is the best option for a Monday morning in the office. Your body is trying to adjust back to weekday time, you’ve just dragged yourself into the office and you head straight for the microwave. Two minutes later you’re back at your desk tucking in to oaty goodness.

  1. Add the oats, banana, berries, almond butter, and water to a bowl.
  2. Put in the microwave for two minutes.
  3. Add 2 scoops of protein to the mixture.
  4. Stir to combine and dig in.


Option three: Overnight oats smoothie

For the mornings when you snooze your alarm one too many times… Chuck everything in the blender while you check your bag’s packed, grab your shake and head out the door.

  1. The night before making, soak the oats in a bowl of water in the fridge.
  2. Add the oats and the rest of the ingredients into a blender with some ice if you like a cold smoothie.
  3. Blend until smooth.
  4. Tuck in on the go.


Take home message

Oats three ways, but the important question – which way will it be? There’s enough variety to keep you satisfied for the week, but it’s kept simple enough to ensure you’ll still be satisfied.

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Monica Green
Monica Green Writer and expert

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