Pain Fuelled My 9+ Hour Plank | Road To G.O.A.T.

If you haven’t already heard of Daniel Scali let us introduce you to a man with an iron will. And core. The Australian currently holds the record for the world's longest abdominal plank. It stands at a whopping nine hours, 30 minutes and one second. Amazing. Only heightening his achievement Daniel took the title despite a complex regional pain syndrome following a childhood accident.
We spoke to Daniel to find out just how the hell you develop the patience, strength, and pain threshold required to for such a world record.

“I've learnt to accept that it’s going to be with me forever”
Daniel explained to us what complex regional pain syndrome is like. It came about after he fell off a trampoline at 12 years old. Since then, after his bones healed, he’s been in constant pain. As you can imagine, this had a huge impact on Daniel’s teenage years as he couldn’t always do the same things as his friends.
Daniel explains it’s like his brain was saying
Daniel made clear that his life changed when he had his accident, and in accepting that, he’s been able to adopt a pretty amazing mindset.
“You use it or you lose it”
This marked the start of Daniel’s fitness journey. And having some form of routine and being able to take things on himself helped him a lot.
Daniel started doing a plank at the end of every workout. It just kept escalating. The plank even provided some-what of a distraction from the pain.
And that’s how it all began. He started off with a two-minute plank, then a five-minute plank, 15-minute plank, followed by a 30-minute plank. At this point Daniel’s curiosity grew. He wanted the World Record.

“Every day I had to do better...”
Of course, Daniel realised it would take more than conditioning his shoulders and abs. A lot of training was needed.
This might not sound very small for a lot of people, but when attempting to break a world record, you’ve got to push yourself.
That’s quite the training schedule...
"I started to go into a little bit of a stress mode”
Daniel explained to us that because of his condition, a pain flare up can cause serious damage, and had the potential to end his world record journey early with threats of hospitalisation. But avoiding a flare up like that wasn’t his only worry.
We can imagine any sort of pain at the 14-minute mark of a nine hour and 30-minute plank would be cause for concern. Daniel pushed through but things did take another turn for the worse.
Daniel was sick, but incredibly he managed to not break the plank.
“ A space that I’ve created myself"
Daniel broke the record with his mind coach close by. They had already created some ways in which Daniel could overcome the pain, both mental and physical.
While this effect wouldn’t last it certainly helped for the next 20-30 minutes and restored Daniel to the zone. At the start of every hour, Daniel practiced a very specific technique.
“I would love to continue to raise awareness for complex regional pain syndrome and people dealing with chronic pain”
The main objective of breaking the world record for Daniel was to raise awareness and to raise 10,000 AUD for Pain Australia. Well, he well and truly smashed that record by doubling it and raising 20,000. All whilst pushing his message of using pain as fuel.

“Start small”
This is Daniel’s advice to anyone who is thinking about setting a goal for themselves. “Start Small”. And no, this time small doesn’t mean 100 push-ups and sit-ups every day.
Take Home Message
Whether you’re suffering with chronic pain or not, see this as your sign to set yourself a goal and work towards it. If Daniel can complete a nine-hour, 30-minute and one second plank, then you can set yourself a goal. And you can achieve it.
Some final words from Daniel when your body wants to give up.