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6 Times You’re Going To Need A 6 Layer Bar

6 Times You’re Going To Need A 6 Layer Bar
Lauren Dawes
Writer and expert6 years ago
View Lauren Dawes's profile

By now you must have heard about our exciting new snack launch — the 6 Layer Bar landed last week and it’s already made some serious impact.

We hope you’ve already tried at least a few, if not all four, of the incredible flavour variations it comes in. If you haven't, add it to the to-do list immediately — there's Chocolate Sundae, Cookies & Cream, Birthday Cake, and Lemon Meringue.

And, just in case you needed any more convincing that these bars deserve a place in your life, here are six times you’re absolutely going to need a 6 Layer Bar.

 1. When you’ve got your sweat on.

Makes sense to start with the most obvious — with a hefty 21g of protein per serving, our 6 Layer Bar is a top choice for immediately satisfying your appetite after you step out of the changing rooms. Although if that’s even too long to wait, we don’t think there’s any rules against unwrapping one in the changing rooms either.


 2. When lunch is too far away.

So, you’ve been up since well before 7am, breakfast feels like a distant, groggy memory, and you’ve got hours until it’s an acceptable time to eat the lunch you brought with you to work. Don’t worry, we’ve got 6 layers to sort that.

Obviously it’s completely down to personal preference, but when it comes to striking up the perfect partnership with your mid-morning cuppa, we think that Chocolate Sundae or Cookies & Cream are definitely the way forward. Which only leaves one question really… do you dare to dunk?


3. When someone in the office is handing round cake. Again.

Isn’t it amazing how suddenly everyone’s birthday seems to fall into the same two weeks that you promised yourself you’d lay off the baked goods? Usually right before a holiday or family event that you’re trying get into shape for... And with birthdays come trays of muffins, boxes of celebrations, and, of course, the cake with candles.

It’s not even just restricted to birthdays either though, people are great at finding any excuse to hand round boxes of mini millionaire shortbread bites — sometimes even just “because it’s Friday” is enough.

Not that we want to sound holier than thou, or come across as ungrateful — who can resist a delightful square of bite-sized shortbread every now and again? We’re just mindful of the fact that having such frequent temptations waved under your nose can make staying on track with fitness goals all the more difficult. So we’re here to arm you with a Plan B.

Having a 6 Layer Bar up your sleeve (not literally, that might result in some funny looks) will make it easy for you to pass up on whatever’s being offered around, as you can be confident that nothing will taste this incredible and be low in sugar. It’s the winning combo.

P.S – there’s even a Birthday Cake flavour, so you don’t have to worry about feeling left out.

4. When you’ve been stuck in rush hour traffic for so long you can feel your eye starting to twitch.

Road rage affects us all. There’s nothing quite like the frustration of sitting in standstill traffic after you’ve been waiting so long to be free from sitting at your desk. Everything on the radio is making the situation worse — it’s either irritatingly chirpy presenters, the same song that’s been number one for months, or adverts. Your phone is close to dying and you really should have gone to the toilet before you left.

Our 6 Layer Bar is a simple way to turn your situation around from complete nightmare to ‘not-so-bad after all’. No one can be angry biting into six layers of pure indulgence — we’re talking caramel filling, protein dough, crispy toppings and a chocolate coating here. You’ll be giving way to cyclists it’s that good.

Bottom line: always have one in your glove compartment for emergencies.


 5. When you said you’re on your way but you actually aren’t dressed yet.

Everyone’s done it. People are expecting you to be somewhere for a specific time — which would’ve been totally achievable if you hadn’t got lost on that Twitter thread when you were sat in your towel after getting out the shower. You haven’t even had a chance to put underwear on, let alone make a full on meal, and your friends have tried to ring you twice already.

Turning up late is one thing — but turning up late and hangry is a whole new level of unacceptable. And, you guessed it, that’s where the 6 Layer Bar saves the day.

Grabbing one of these irresistible treats won’t just fill you up with 21g of protein and multiple layers of gooey deliciousness, but if you grabbed a few to bring with you as peace offerings, you’d definitely be back in everyone’s good books. No matter how long you made them wait.


6. When you’re about to do a marathon...of movies.

There’s nothing worse than settling down for a relaxing binge-watching session without a snack by your side. You suddenly start to focus way more on what the characters are eating over what they’re saying — and Bake Off repeats are just a complete no-go.

Think ahead, people. Before you even enter your laptop password, make sure you’re all set up by having a 6 Layer Bar within reach. You’ll thank us later.


Our articles should be used for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be taken as medical advice. If you're concerned, consult a health professional before taking dietary supplements or introducing any major changes to your diet.

Lauren Dawes
Writer and expert
View Lauren Dawes's profile
Lauren is an English Literature graduate originally from the South. She’s always loved swimming, has discovered the power of weight training over the past few years, and has lots of room for improvement in her weekly hot yoga class. On the weekends she’s usually cooking or eating some kind of brunch, and she enjoys trying out new recipes with her housemates – especially since shaking off student habits, like mainly surviving off pasta. Above all, she’s a firm believer in keeping a balance between the gym and gin. Find out more about Lauren’s experience here: