Refuel Your Ambition | Which Training & Nutrition Guide Is Right For You?

Getting into the gym (or more likely at the moment, onto your living room floor) is a task in itself, never mind coming up with an effective routine that you can stick to. Especially if you’ve just started a workout routine, it can be tricky to know where to begin, and what you should be focussing on in order to best achieve your goals. Or maybe you've been working out for a while, and just don't know where to go next with your training.
We thought we’d take out a little bit of the hard work for you with our guides. We’ve got different guides tailored to specific needs and goals, so why not let us take the planning out of it for you, and give you ready made nutrition and workout guides.
Read through all of our guides below, and if you're still unsure, take our quiz at the end!
The Weight Loss Guide:
Ditch the fad diets this year, our weight loss plan champions sustainable, realistic and healthy weight loss.
The Weight Loss Guide features a walk-through of supplements to aid your weight loss, from vitamins to protein bars and shakes, a guide to macros and calories so you understand what’s going on in your body, and a 7-day meal plan.
We’ve also got a range of workouts to try, as well as explanations as to why your weight loss hasn’t quite worked as you’d have liked it to in the past, and how you can make it stick this time around.
The Tone Up Guide:
If your goal is to just tone up a little, rather than building any crazy muscle mass, the tone up guide has got you covered. It’ll guide you through the confusing world of macros, whilst giving you comprehensive workout plans to get you to your goal in the most efficient way possible.
The workouts are easy to follow so that you can avoid any excuses, and just get to work.
Get inspired with healthy recipes tailored to your goal, and stay on track with our helpful tips on motivation and staying on track.
The Build Muscle Guide:
All about gains. The Build Muscle Guide does what it says on the tin. With all the recipes and macros, you need to pack on the muscle, as well as workouts and movements that can be done in the gym (or adapted at home with dumbbells!).
Still unsure which guide is best for you? Take our quiz.
Take Home Message
Whatever your goals, let us help you get there. Make sure you’ve got all the information you need, without having to do a million Google searches. Get stuck into workouts that will leave you feeling sweaty (but amazing), and never skimp on flavour with our delicious recipes.

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