Train Your Upper Body Like This American Stuntman | Work Out From Home

Ever wanted to train your upper body like a stuntman? They're usually the unsung heroes of a movie, taking the punches, falling off bridges or the tops of tall buildings.
We'll you’re in luck, American Instagram star and our resident stuntman Ryan Klarenbach (@rynosaurasflex), has you covered with a killer upper body workout. But, don't worry, there won't be any death-defying stunts in this workout, so you can put the crash mats away.
Whether you’re stuck at home or have all the free time in the world, take 30 mins out of your day to try this explosive workout — you won’t be disappointed. No equipment and no fuss. It's that simple.
Ryan Klarenbach's Workout
We've asked our PT Chris Appleton to cut through the noise and give us the rundown on each exercise. He suggests 30 seconds on and 30 seconds rest for 3 sets for each exercise.
Plank to Bear Plank
'The plank is hard enough as it is and is a great exercise for targeting a large number of muscles and improving strength with one move. By adding the bear crawl plank into the mix, you will add extra tension on the core stabilizing muscles by holding your body steady during the movement. It's also useful for strengthening the lower back while being friendlier on it.'
Shoulder Taps to Staggered Push-Ups
'We’re taking the press up and adding difficulty with this movement. Exploding between different staggered positions always add more work to the core to stabilize the body, shoulder taps need to be done while limiting the movement of the torso. Staggering the movement adds an explosive element to the movement while working different areas of the chest, all in one movement.'
Diamond Push-Ups
Reverse Plank Tricep Dips
Take-Home Message
Try challenging yourself by doing one exercise after the other and making it a circuit. Maybe even try increasing the time on each exercise to spice it up.